Master Gardener

Master GardenerMaster Gardeners are a vital part of K-State Research and Extension. Donating time in return for horticultural training, Master Gardeners help our county agents meet the need for horticultural information in their communities. The means of providing this information is diverse including horticultural "hotlines", demonstration gardens, working garden shows, public presentations and providing tours. Master Gardeners in Kansas donated over 101,000 hours during 2014 for a total value of over 2.1 million dollars.

Who can become a Master Gardener??

Anyone with an interest in horticulture can apply for the Extension Master Gardener Program if it is active in your county. If you want to improve your skills and knowledge and you like to work with people, the Extension Master Gardener Program may be for you.


You need to be available for about 40 to 50 hours of daytime training classes your first year. The number of hours required varies with county.

You must have at least a High School Diploma or the equivalent.

Enjoy sharing your love of gardening with others through various Extension Master Gardener projects.

See a map of counties with active Master Gardener Programs.