Club Resources

Strengthening Clubs

Club Financial Forms


Officer Resources


The President's job is running the business meeting, improving
interaction among group members, programming, and recreation. This
publication gives you direction to help you understand what you need to
do as president of your club.

Vice President:

The vice-president serves as chair of the program committee, introduces
the program participants and thanks the people who present the
program. This publication gives you direction to help you understand
what you need to do as vice-president of your club.


You will find a description of the duties of the 4-H club secretary, with work sheets for roll call, minutes of meetings, etc.


As treasurer of your 4-H group, you have been entrusted with
responsibilities regarding the money earned and expended by your
members. This handbook will help you learn and prepare monthly and
annual reports.


As a 4-H reporter, your job is to: Be a little nosy, know what is going
on in your club, and tell your town about the good stuff. You only
report interesting things 4-Her's are doing.


Keep a record of the group's accomplishments & activities for the
year. Collect items such as pictures & news clippings about the
group & its members. You should organize a scrapbook for the year.

Song Leader:

This publication outlines the duties of a song leader of a group.

4-H Song Book